
App launch events are specifically designed for advertising about your mobile app that is about to be released. For app developers in Chennai, App launch event best practices is all you need to host a successful event.

You might be wondering, is it even worth it to conduct an app launch event? This blog answers your questions. A well-planned app launch event creates a long-lasting impression about your mobile app.

It also promotes brand loyalty and it can help us reach a wider audience in the long run through word of mouth. It creates an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation around your newly launched app. You can approach mobile app development companies in Chennai for guidance.

App launch events have a great impact on visibility of your app and get more users to use your mobile app. People will get to know more about your app through the app launch event and they will eventually spread the word about your app.

Points To Consider Before Launching An App

Points To Consider Before Launching An App

There are some points to keep in mind before launching your mobile app. Make sure to implement all these steps before launching a mobile app to ensure that your app gains users overtime.

Define Your Objectives And Target Audience

Before building an app, make sure that your mobile app idea is unique. As the next step, research whether the category your app is in, has a large user base. Think about what kind of problems you are going to solve. Identify the unique selling point / attraction of your app.

Examine Your Competitors

Look for other mobile apps in the same category on app store or google play store. Analyze these mobile apps and look at their ratings and reviews and hire mobile app developers in Chennai who will take care of these issues.

App Store Optimisation (ASO)

App Store Optimization (ASO) is extremely useful to increase your app visibility on the app store / google play store. There are some tips and tricks to optimize your app’s presence on these platforms. 

Design A Page For Your App That Has To Be Launched 

Construct a landing page for your mobile app to showcase and promote your mobile application. It displays useful information about your mobile app, the benefits it provides, useful features and how it can solve their problems. Make sure to share it via social media platforms.

Plan Effectively For Content Marketing 

Write and post multiple blogs about your mobile app on your website to keep your audience engaged with interesting content. Also try to create guest posts about your mobile app on other websites and blogs. 

Use Multiple Social Media Platforms 

Promote the features and functionalities of your mobile app on various social media platforms. It is not necessary to promote your app on every social media platform. You just need to choose the right one where your target audience spends the most time.

Increase Your Network Size

It is necessary to network with people to raise awareness about your mobile app. You can network with various professionals that have a significant following on various social media platforms.

Create A Properly Designed App

Make sure to evaluate your app for any defects. There might be some system lags, user experience issues and bugs. Some bugs might go undetected in the testing stages. So, it is essential to do beta testing for your mobile app.

Fix A Date For Your App Launch

It is important to advertise your mobile app before it is launched. You have to create an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation to make the app launch successful. A successful app launch increases customer engagement, and boosts recognition.

How To Launch An App On Android’s Google Play Store?

How To Launch An App On Android’s Google Play Store?

There are 8 steps that you need to follow to launch your mobile app on Android’s Google Play store. Then publish it in Google Play Developer Console and check whether it follows Google’s rules.

Step 1: Creating A Developer Account for App Developers in Chennai

The first step is to create a developer account. You can easily create a developer account using your google account. Accept the Developer Distribution Agreement and pay the registration fee. Select a developer account type and double check developer identity information.

Step 2: Setup A Merchant Account For Payments

In order to launch a paid app or to offer in-app purchases, you need to set up a payments center profile. This is known as a merchant account. Follow these steps to set up a merchant account for your app.

  • Log in to your Play Console account.
  • Choose a financial option from Download Reports.
  • Select “Set up a merchant account now”.
  • Enter the details of your business.
  • Confirm all the details to finalize the merchant account. The merchant account will be linked to your developer account.

Step 3: Add Your App To The Play Console

Follow these steps to add your mobile app to the Play Console.

  • In the menu bar, select “All Applications”.
  • Choose “Create Application”.
  • Choose your app’s default language.
  • Enter a title for your app.
  • Choose “Create”
  • After the app is released, the entered title will appear on Google Play.

Step 4: Prepare Your App’s Store Listing

An app store listing gives users necessary information about your mobile app. You need to prepare a list of details for applications’ store listing before publishing your app. It includes the following details:

  • Details of your product
  • Contact details
  • Privacy policies
  • Categories and subcategories
  • Languages
  • Graphic assets

Step 5: Check Whether The App Has Apk File Format

To launch an app on the Android platform, check whether the file is in APK (Android Package Kit) format. APK format is a file format for installing and distributing applications on the Android operating system.

Step 6: Make Sure To Give A Rating To Your App

Make sure to give a rating to your Android mobile app or else Google Play might categorize it as “unrated” and your Android mobile app might get deleted eventually. So, give a suitable rating for your Android mobile app.

Step 7: Decide Whether To Make Your App Free Or Premium

Choose a proper monetization strategy for your Android mobile application. You can make your Android mobile app free with in-app purchases or with a subscription model. You can also make your mobile app a paid one.

Step 8: Carry Out App Launch

The last step is to evaluate everything from start to finish and make sure all the details entered are correct. After double-checking everything, it is time to launch your Android mobile application. Approach Android app development companies in Chennai for further guidance.

How To Launch An App On Apple’s App Store?

How To Launch An App On Apple’s App Store?

There are 6 steps that you need to follow to launch your mobile app on Apple’s app store. After the app is published on the iOS platform, it will be available for download on an iPhone or an iPad.

Step 1: Register For Apple Developer Program for App Developers in Chennai

First, you must be registered to the apple developer program. Here are the steps to create an Apple developer account. Navigate to Apple’s developer website and create an Apple ID for your account.

  • Click on “Join the Apple Developer Program”.
  • Confirm your name, email address and location.
  • Select an account type
  • Enter your contact information and go through the license agreement.
  • Verify your account information and click on “Continue”.
  • Choose the automatic renewal option if needed.
  • Sign in with your apple id on the next page.
  • Enter your billing information and press “Continue” to finalize the payment.
  • You can choose to upgrade to paid plans later.
  • In the app dashboard,  enter your app’s details in the Publishing Information Section.

Step 2: Ensure That Everything Is In Accordance With App Store Rules

Before you submit your app, read through the app store rules. It is important to test your mobile app for any bugs or crashes beforehand. Also ensure that all the information you have entered is accurate.

Step 3: Build An App Store Listing

An app store listing gives users necessary information about your mobile app. You need to prepare a list of details for applications’ store listing before publishing your app. It includes the following details:

  • App names and categories
  • Privacy policies
  • Pricing
  • Options for App release

Step 4: Collect Screenshots From Your App

Take screenshots of your iOS mobile app. Certain guidelines have to be followed for taking screenshots. Screenshots should be submitted in jpeg, png or video format. The screenshots taken should be of high quality.

Step 5: Link Your App To App Store

The next step is to link your mobile app to the App store by using Xcode. Before linking your app, make sure that your app is functioning properly and is free from errors. And then set up Xcode.

Step 6: Upload Your Mobile App For Reviews

Finally, upload your mobile app for reviews. The status of your mobile app will be displayed in App Store Connect. You can also communicate directly with the App Review Team by using App Store Connect. Approach iOS app development companies in Chennai for further guidance.

Should I Host An App Launch Event?

Should I Host An App Launch Event?

Hosting an app launch event is essential for the success of your app. It will be useful in showcasing your app and getting users to sign up for it. It will eventually reach a wider audience through networking.

How Do You Announce An App Launch Event?

Here are some ways to announce an app launch event. You can announce your app launch event by sending emails, by sending press releases (PR), by posting about it on social media platforms. Also publish app launch event details to your landing page.

What Should An App Launch Event Include?

While planning for an app launch event, make sure to plan the agenda properly. Check whether registrations are taken care of and check whether refreshments are provided for the attendees. Also keep the attendees engaged throughout the event.

Points To Keep In Mind For A Successful App Launch

Points To Keep In Mind For A Successful App Launch

There are certain points to keep in mind to make your app launch event successful. This includes researching about the current market, Choosing an app store and platform, Connecting with other app developers in Chennai, etc. Let’s dive deep into each of these points.

Research The Current Market

Research about the current market to know about your competitors, and read their reviews and rating and try to highlight those points during the app launch event to make your mobile app stand out.

Choose An App Store

You can choose either Apple’s app store for iOS platform or Google’s play store for Android platform. In general, the Android platform has more users than the iOS platform. So plan accordingly.

Connect With Other App Developers

You can collaborate with other app developers in Chennai to market your mobile app. This will help in getting even more users for your app. You can connect with other app developers in Chennai through online forums, mentorship programs, meetups and conferences.

Choose A Proper Monetization Strategy

It is important to choose a proper monetization strategy as this can determine the success of your mobile app. You can either keep your mobile app free or premium or you can also consider brand sponsorships.

Insert Download Links

After your mobile app is live, consider inserting your app’s download links on blogs, websites, emails and on social media platforms. This will help users to navigate to your mobile app seamlessly.

Publish App Version Updates

Keep the users informed about all app updates so they will have an idea of what to expect with the new updates. One way of doing it is by delivering logs to app store listings. Regularly notifying users about app updates delivers a message that you are active on the platform.

How To Reduce Ios App Launch Time?

You can reduce iOS app launch time by removing unused frameworks and by removing outdated code. iOS app launch time can also be reduced by limiting the number of third-party libraries and frameworks.

App Launch Event Cost Variations 

The cost of an app launch event depends on the size of the event. It can vary based on manpower, venue, catering, decorations, swags and entertainment. Here is the cost breakdown for each of these factors.

Category Low range Mid range High range
Manpower ₹50,000 ₹1,00,000 ₹2,00,000
Venue ₹1,00,000 ₹2,50,000 ₹5,00,000
Catering ₹50,000 ₹1,50,000 ₹3,00,000
Decorations ₹30,000 ₹75,000 ₹1,50,000
Swags ₹20,000 ₹50,000 ₹1,00,000
Entertainment ₹40,000 ₹1,00,000 ₹2,50,000

What Is The Best Way To Conduct An App Launch Event?

There are three ways to conduct an app launch event. They can be free, paid or they can be conducted as pop-up launch events. A pop-up launch event invites only a specific set of audience. Each type of launch event comes with its own advantages and disadvantages.

App Launch Event: Best Practices / Ideas

App Launch Event: Best Practices / Ideas

There are some best practices that you can follow to host a successful app launch event. A successful app launch event is necessary to create a long lasting impression on the attendees which will in turn determine the success of your app.

Define Your App Launch Event Goals

It is important to clarify what your goals are with this app launch event. Ask yourself questions like what do you want to achieve with the event?, To acquire users or to collect feedback or just to spread awareness.

Know Your App Launch Event Audience

It is necessary to understand who the target audience for your mobile app is. And then customize the app that caters to your target audience. This will keep the audience engaged throughout the event.

Choose The Right Format

You will need to choose the right format for your app launch event. It can be an in-person event or virtual event. Virtual events are useful in situations where attendees are in other geographical locations. Analyze all the pros and cons and choose the right format for your app launch event.

Plan Your App Launch Event Logistics

Select a proper venue within your budget. It should be conducted at a location and time where there would be maximum attendance. Make sure that the venue has adequate facilities and ensure that the capacity of the venue is enough to hold a large number of attendees.

Develop A Compelling Agenda For Your App Launch Event

Before conducting an app launch event, decide on the presenters and speakers. It can be any influencer or you can also partner with a brand or you can collaborate with other app developers in Chennai. Make sure to conduct activities to keep your audience engaged.

Promote Your App Launch Event

You can use various marketing channels to market your app launch event. You can also collaborate with an influencer or brand partners to increase app visibility. Also make sure to create an effective event page.

Prepare For The App Launch Event Day

Rehearse everything from start to finish to make sure everything is planned and even if any unexpected future scenario arises, you should be planned for it. Make sure to coordinate your team during the app launch event.

Collect Attendee Data For Your Cms And Conduct Product Demos

Use attendee data for further marketing and sales of your mobile app. Make sure to engage your attendees with your mobile app demos and how it works, its use cases, benefits, etc. This will make a good first impression.

Execute And Engage With The Audience

Post live coverage of your app launch event on social media through live streaming services or through press releases (PR). Conduct live Q&A sessions with your audience to engage them and collect feedback. 

Post-Event Follow-Up

As a post-event follow-up, send personalized thank you messages. Share your presentation materials with your attendees. Review the attendees’ feedback and measure the success of your app launch event through KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

App Launch Event Ideas For Marketing

Release teasers of your mobile app and market them using branded hashtags on social media platforms. Consider partnering with an influencer to gain followers. Market through sending personalized emails to people and collaborating with other brands.

  • Create an attractive teaser for your mobile app.
  • These teasers can either be text based or visual. 
  • Share these teasers on social media
  • Measure KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) like digital engagement by monitoring website traffic and track likes, comments and shares related to app launch event posts.
App Developers in Chennai: App Launch Event Best Practices - CTA Image


For App launch event best practices, hire app developers in Chennai for cost effective task completion and get your work done with your planned schedule and beat your deadlines for successful launching of your app in this competitive business market. 

We, at Pyramidions, are here to guide you through the whole process of launching an app from requirements analysis to launching your app on play store or app store. Reach out to us if you require a consultation regarding launching an app for your business.


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