
NDA refers to Non-Disclosure Agreement between two parties where they agree to not disclose any private and confidential information. You will learn more about NDA best practices for mobile application development in Chennai.

We will explore why NDAs are important for mobile application development in Chennai, its key components, different types of NDA, Benefits from signing an NDA, pros, cons and common pitfalls. Refer to our guide on how to hire Android app developers before signing an NDA.

Understanding NDAs In The Context Of Mobile Application Development In Chennai

NDA is a Non-Disclosure Agreement that is signed by official parties to prevent any data breach from happening. NDA is important for Android app development companies in Chennai because developing a mobile application involves the use of critical business data.

An NDA can be signed by two or more parties to safeguard confidential information. In the context of iOS application development companies in Chennai, it prevents anyone from outside the company from getting hold of mobile app code, or any business ideas that a client shares.

Key Components of an NDA For Mobile Application Development In Chennai

Key Components of an NDA For Mobile Application Development In Chennai
  1. The parties involved
  2. Specifying which information is considered confidential
  3. Extent of confidentiality
  4. Parties’ duties
  5. Contract breach consequences
  6. Contract duration

The Parties Involved

As a first step, we need to identify the parties involved. It can be an organization or an individual. For mobile application development in Chennai, the NDA must be signed by developers, testers and other members who have access to critical information.

Specifying Which Information Is Considered Confidential

This step specifies the types of information that are considered to be confidential. It is important to answer some questions like, Are all forms of communication considered confidential? And what type of information is not confidential?

Extent of Confidentiality

Any sensitive information must be kept as a secret at all costs. The members of the organization who have access to critical information must be educated about all the terms and conditions to avoid any data breach.

The business idea shared by an individual or an organization must not be used by the receiving party themselves. This is one of the key reasons for signing an NDA for mobile application development in Chennai.

Parties’ Duties

This step mentions all the duties of the receiving party when they get hold of any confidential information from an individual or an organization. This step mentions any restrictions on the use of sensitive information. It might consist of restrictions like:

  • Using the sensitive information only for the purpose that has been mentioned in the agreement.
  • Sharing information only with the main people involved in the process of mobile application development.
  • Making sure that people involved in signing the NDA take appropriate measures to keep the information a secret.
  • They should destroy all sorts of confidential information after the contract has expired.

Contract Breach Consequences

To make an NDA strong, we must specify possible penalties and consequences. Failure to include any penalties may result in breach, which could lead to loss of reputation and legal liability.

In case of a breach, the disclosing party must ask for compensation which is a fixed amount that is mentioned in the contract. Fines and compensations help reduce the possibility of a contract breach.

Contract Duration

NDAs don’t last forever. The organization or an individual must come up with a timeframe for the NDA. In general, NDAs expire within the range of one to five years. After this period, The receiving party no longer protects the information.

Different Types of NDAs for Mobile Application Development In Chennai

Different Types of NDAs for Mobile Application Development In Chennai
  1. Unilateral NDA
  2. Bilateral NDA
  3. Multilateral NDA

Unilateral NDA

In this type of NDA, the disclosing party shares information and the receiving party is supposed to protect the information. This type of NDA is most commonly used by mobile application development companies in Chennai. It is also known as one-way NDA.

Bilateral NDA

Here, both the parties disclose and protect information. For example, if an ecommerce company wants to build an app, they have to disclose critical information to another organization. The ecommerce company in return will have to protect the business strategies of the other party.

Multilateral NDA

When an NDA is signed by three or more organizations, it is a multilateral NDA. In this type of NDA, at least one organization shares its secrets and the other companies are supposed to protect the information. This type of NDA is rare but some companies use it.

When To Use An NDA for Mobile Application Development in Chennai?

  1. During initial discussions and negotiations
  2. While hiring contractors or developers
  3. Before a collaboration
  4. During beta testing
  5. When you require legal protection

During Initial Discussions And Negotiations

Before discussing your mobile application ideas with other developers, it is important to protect the intellectual property of any flutter app development company in India. An NDA makes sure that any confidential information shared during the early stages is kept as a secret.

While Hiring Contractors Or Developers

After hiring freelance mobile application developers or any third-party organization, they will have access to sensitive information that is crucial to your business. By signing an NDA, they are obligated to keep your mobile app ideas a secret.

Before A Collaboration

It is important to consider the terms and conditions of an NDA before collaborating with other parties. The extent of confidentiality, the receiving party’s duties and compensations must be clearly specified in the agreement.

During Beta Testing

During beta testing, a selected group of users will have access to special features and updates of your mobile application. By signing an NDA, they will make sure not to leak any critical information.

When You Require Legal Protection

During all the stages of mobile application development in Chennai, Your team expands and the members must be educated about all the terms and conditions mentioned in the NDA. It is especially useful in situations where you need legal protection.

How Do You Benefit From An NDA For Mobile Application Development In Chennai?

  1. It provides guidelines for sharing of data and information.
  2. It protects the originality of our ideas.
  3. NDA provides a legal basis for a lawsuit.
  4. It ensures smooth communication and collaboration throughout the entire process.

When To Refrain From An NDA?

  1. During fundraising stages – During this stage, potential investors may hesitate to sign the NDA. Try to share only non-confidential information and when they begin to show interest, consider asking them to sign the NDA.
  1. When you are about to hire a development team – When working with reputed mobile application development companies in Chennai, they have their own set of rules and contracts. In this case, an NDA might seem unnecessary and shows a lack of trust.

NDA For Mobile Application Development In Chennai : Best Practices

NDA For Mobile Application Development In Chennai : Best Practices
  1. Define Confidential Information – List out the types of information that is considered to be confidential and non-confidential. So the receiving party will have a better idea of what kind of information they need to protect.
  1. List out the persons involved – Make a list of all the people involved in the agreement and review terms and conditions of NDA with them and make sure that they understand everything that’s mentioned in the NDA.
  1. Specify The Purpose Of Disclosure – In most cases, the receiving party will ask for the purpose of disclosure. This is done to make sure that the confidential information is used only for intended purposes.
  1. Outline Obligations And Responsibilities – Clearly outline all the responsibilities and obligations for the people involved in the NDA. The obligations include, sharing information only with the main people, etc.
  1. Set The Duration Of Confidentiality – An NDA doesn’t last forever. An average timeline for an NDA is between one to five years. After this period, The receiving party no longer protects the information.

Secondary Points Of Best Practices

  1. Include Consequences For Breach – Clearly specify all the consequences, fines and penalties of violating the terms and conditions mentioned in an NDA. This makes the NDA appear strong to avoid any data breach.
  1. Ensure mutual agreement – Ensure that there is a mutual agreement between all the parties involved in the process. Clearly explain any unclear terms and conditions to them to make them feel comfortable with the agreement.
  1. Regularly review and update – It is necessary to regularly review and update the NDA to match the legal requirements, when there is a change in team members, or if there is any change in the project.
  1. Consider asking for legal advice – Consider asking experts for their legal advice before creating an NDA. This makes sure that the terms and conditions mentioned in the NDA are enforceable.
  1. Use clear and precise language – Avoid using vague words while mentioning terms and conditions in an NDA, The use of vague words will lead to ambiguity and this might lead to violations in the future due to misunderstandings.

How To Monitor Compliance With NDAs For Mobile Application Development In Chennai?

  1. Conduct regular audits and reviews.
  2. Limit access to confidential information.
  3. Encrypt your data for extra security.
  4. Conduct training to inform your employees about NDA policies.
  5. Monitor all channels of communication such as emails, oral, etc.
  6. Consult legal and compliance experts.

Advantages Of Signing An NDA For Mobile Application Development In Chennai

  • It provides clear cut information on what is confidential and what is non-confidential.
  • It provides a basis for filing a lawsuit later on if needed.
  • NDAs ensure that there is a smooth cooperation between parties.

Disadvantages Of Signing An NDA For Mobile Application Development In Chennai

  • Creating an effective NDA is expensive.
  • Enforcing an NDA can be quite difficult.
  • NDA only provides limited protection.
  • It may show up as a sign of distrust between parties.

Common NDA Pitfalls To Avoid for Mobile Application Development In Chennai

  1. Setting high penalties in an NDA.
  2. Using ambiguous and vague words which might lead to misunderstandings.
  3. Setting unreasonable terms and conditions.
  4. Lack of clear purpose.
  5. Using a one-size-fits-all template for an NDA.
  6. Lack of signatures from the people involved.
  7. Use of complex language in the NDA.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How can I protect my app idea?

You can protect your app idea by signing an NDA with the parties involved. Make sure to specify which information is confidential and the timeline of the NDA. Mention all the terms and conditions and get signatures from all the parties involved.

  1. Does an NDA expire?

An NDA doesn’t last forever. On average, NDAs last for over a period of one year to five years. After which, the organization will no longer provide protection to confidential information.

  1. Who should you sign an NDA with?

Anyone who has access to sensitive information should sign an NDA. This includes business partners, employees, contractors, vendors, suppliers, potential investors and beta testers.

Mobile Application Development in Chennai: NDA Best Practices


In this blog, we have discussed mobile application development in Chennai: NDA best practices. We have talked about the key components and types of NDA, benefits, best practices and common pitfalls / bad NDA practices.

If your company has any doubts regarding NDA for mobile application development in Chennai, reach out to our expert team at Pyramidions for a free consultation. Make the first step by talking to our experts.


Having almost 10 years hands-on experience in technologies like Blockchain, Quantum security, Architecting Scalable Systems, Microservices, Metaverse, Data Science and Mobile-oriented technologies, it is also my nature to infuse some fun-filled activities aiming to optimize team communication and productivity.

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